In an attempt to describe your kiss, I realized I was lost at words for such endeavor. I hopelessly sat in from of my laptop, absently glancing at its uninspiring keyboard, without knowing what to type. Trying to find them in a dictionary would also be a futile attempt, for I wouldn’t know what to look for. Notwithstanding, the specification of the task seems simple enough: imagine someone who’ve never been kissed by you… now proceed to communicate the exact feeling one would have.
And still, no words come to me…
One could attempt to approach the problem by a breakdown of the physical process. Her soft, voluptuous, wet lips slowly approach your own. You perceive her warm, sweet breath, and in your mind, an anxiety is already installed foreseeing the moment they will touch you. Her big, beautiful, brown eyes can hardly go unnoticed, while simultaneously your hands experience the disconcerting feeling of her smooth skin. Her intoxicating scent can only be rivaled by the overwhelming yearning of her forbidden taste and the breathtaking play of her tongue…
And all this happens before the kiss per se.
A second perspective could base itself on the physiological properties. In front of you lies a gorgeous woman, with whom you’ve shared countless hours of deep, passionate love. Her lips promise the rush of endorphins racing throughout your veins, while synaptic networks activate both your memory and pleasure centers. Your knees tremble due to the adrenaline being released. Your blood pressure rises, your heart flutters, your cheeks blush…
But it’s still not enough…
One could finally resort to detail what is not to be kissed by you, and dissertate about the dark, cold veil that surrounds one’s heart in the absence of your embrace. The longing for that feeling where time should have stopped; or where the arrow of entropy could be arbitrarily reversed so one would eternally live that single moment where life itself loses all meaning.
Yet, I fail…
Thus, after such fruitless struggle, I am forced to conclude that no sequence of words or chain of symbols could ever be used to faithfully fit into such description… and likely the reason is due to the fact that only in their absence can one begin to contemplate the depth of your kiss.