Genetic algorithms are search heuristics that mimics the process of natural evolution, by adhering to nature-inspired techniques such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover. In this post, we’ll see how to build a simple mechanism in Scala that would allow us to evolve specimens.
Let’s first start by defining our contract. Here’s some basic assumptions:
- A genetic exploration evolves
, - Specimens are made up from sequences of
, - There’s a finite number of possible genes, hence we’ll need a
, - At any point, we should be able to calculate how fit a specimen is; i.e. a function from
, - There’s a probability of a single gene to mutate during the crossover,
- There’s a maximum population (number of
) to simulate, - It is possible to decide when to stop evolving our specimens (
The above can be represented by the following class signature:
class GeneticExploration[Gene, Specimen <% Iterable[Gene]]
(val mutationRate: Double,
val population: Int,
genePool: Array[Gene],
specimenBuilder: Iterable[Gene] => Specimen,
fitnessF: Specimen => Double,
stopCondition: List[Specimen] => Boolean)
What can we use as specimen? What about a String
of characters? Strings
are perfect candidates for specimens according to the above signature, since each individual character can act as a Gene
(i.e. a String
can be viewed as an Iterable[Char]
). Here’s a specimen:
val target = "as armas e os baroes assinalados"
And here’s the corresponding gene pool:
val genePool = Array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h',
'y','z',' ')
Using String
specimens makes calculating the fitness fairly straightforward:
def fitness(src: String): Double = { case (s, t) => s == t }
In other words, the fitness of a string is equal to the number of correct characters according to our target goal. Sometimes we’ll need new random genes from our gene pool. Let’s build an infinite stream of them:
def randomGenes: Stream[Gene] = genePool(Random.nextInt(genePool.length)) #:: randomGenes
… which makes generating a random new specimen also straightforward:
def newSpecimen(len: Int): Specimen = specimenBuilder(randomGenes.take(len))
It seems we have a lot of things in place. Let’s start by initializing a GeneticExploration
val petri = new GeneticExploration[Char, String](
0.01, 500, genePool, // rate of mutation, max population and gene pool
cs => new String(cs.toArray), // how to build a specimen from genes
fitness, // the fitness function
_.exists(_ == target) // the stop condition
Where to now? We need to evolve specimens, but for that, we’ll need an initial pool of primordial specimens. Let’s capture the usage before implementing those functions:
val evolvedSpecimens = petri.evolution(petri.randomPool(archetype))
An archetype
is simply a seed specimen from which the primordial soup is made of, as seen in the implementation of randomPool
type Pool = List[Specimen]
def randomPool(archetype: Specimen): Pool =
(1 to population).map(_ => newSpecimen(archetype.size)).toList
It is time to code the “main” function, which basically evolves a pool (by mating its specimens) until the stop condition is met:
def evolution(pool: Pool, epoch: Int = 0): (Pool, Int) = {
val newGeneration = popReproduction(matePool(pool))
if (stopCondition(newGeneration)) (newGeneration, epoch)
else evolution(newGeneration, epoch + 1)
Mating involves finding the specimens more fit to survive and leave offspring:
type MatePool = List[(Specimen, Double)]
def matePool(pool: Pool): MatePool = {
val fitnesses =
With the typical renormalization (i.e., the sum of all fitnesses in the pool must be equal to 1):
def renormalize(vector: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = {
val sum = vector.sum / sum)
How do the population as an whole reproduce? Well, mates are selected from the mate pool using their fitness as the probability of being chosen:
def popReproduction(matePool: MatePool): Pool =
(1 to population) =>
crossover(monteCarlo(matePool), monteCarlo(matePool))).toList
A naïve implementation of the Monte Carlo method could be coded as:
def monteCarlo[A](weightedList: List[(A, Double)]): A =
weightedList(Random.nextInt(weightedList.length)) match {
case (s, f) if f > Random.nextFloat => s
case _ => monteCarlo(weightedList)
The crossing over of two specimens is here accomplished by randomly recombining their genes:
def crossover(a: Specimen, b: Specimen): Specimen =
mutate(specimenBuilder( =>
if (Random.nextFloat >= 0.5) gene._1 else gene._2)))
… though sometimes mutations occur, i.e., random genes that were not inherited:
def mutate(s: Specimen): Specimen =
specimenBuilder( =>
if (mutationRate > Random.nextFloat) randomGenes.head else gene))
And that’s it! Go ahead and try… You can use the target
as the archetype
. See how many generations does it take for the algorithm to find out the very first phrase from “Os Lusíadas”.